The Hutong Quarantine Cook-Off!  


Quarantine Cook-Off! 隔离烹饪挑战赛!

The Hutong Kitchen is proud to introduce our own Quarantine Cook-Off!   We are also very proud to be partnering with thebeijinger, & beijingKids the most comprehensive guides to China’s capital. 胡同自豪地向大家介绍我们举办的一项激动人心的赛事:隔离烹饪挑战赛!同时我们也很荣幸地宣布这次活动的合作伙伴:北京最权威的生活媒体杂志the beijingerbeijingKids.

The Hutong’s Quarantine Cook-Off is our fun way to engage our local community and to welcome all of the new home-chefs who have emerged as a result of this relentless quarantine. 胡同举办的隔离烹饪挑战赛旨在促进本地社区交流,欢迎因长期居家隔离而涌现的新晋大厨们踊跃参与。


How does it work?  参与方式?

The Cook-off will run for 4 weeks and we’ll have winners each week. The Hutong Kitchen will post weekly Chinese recipes. Competitors will have to cook the recipes at home and share photos via WeChat and Instagram to enter the competition. The winners will be chosen by The Hutong Kitchen’s master chefs. Dishes will be judged on the basis of creativity, plating, photography and Instagram/WeChat likes. 烹饪挑战赛为期四周,每周一期。每期均会产生冠、亚、季军。胡同每周会精选一道中国特色菜肴作为题目。参赛者需要依照菜谱自主在家完成,并将菜品拍照并发布到微信朋友圈和Instagram上参赛。胡同的大厨老师们将按菜品的创意、摆盘、展示、摄影以及微信朋友圈和Instagram上的点赞数来选出赢家。


Need a hand to get the ingredients? 需要帮忙购买食材?

Reach out to us on WeChat or via mobile at 15901046127 a day in advance to order a package containing all the ingredients you need to cook the recipe. We also offer other ingredients and recipe packs. Please contact us for more info. 您可以提前一天前通过微信或拨打电话 15901046127联系胡同下单。我们会帮您备菜,您收到食材可以直接烹饪。同时,胡同还有更多菜谱套餐的食材包供您选择



What time is the first round? 第一轮比赛时间?

Monday, March 23rd, 10 am – Friday, March 27th, at 8 pm Beijing Time

北京时间3月23日星期一 早10点 – 3月27日星期五 晚 8点


What is the first dish?  第一道菜?

Yunnan Hei San Duo, please click the picture for the recipe: 云南黑三剁。菜谱可以点击下图文获取。



How do I participate? 参赛方式?

  1. Cook the dish from the recipe.根据给出的菜谱来烹饪。
  2. Take a photo of your culinary creation. 为您的菜肴拍照。
  3. Submit the photo to us by 8 pm on Friday, March 27th Beijing time. 于北京时间3月27日星期五晚8点前在线提交您的作品。


 How do I submit photos?  如何提交照片?

  1. WeChat: Take a screenshot to show us that you posted your dish picture in your moments and send it to The Hutong Venue Wechat: TheHutongBeijing, or scan the QR code below.  微信:将你发到朋友圈的菜品截屏发给胡同微信 (ID: TheHutongBeijing, 或扫描下方二维码添加我们为好友)。

2. Instagram: Post your photo adding the hashtags: 上传照片到Instagram , 并添加下列话题:

#TheHutong#TheHutongkitchen#TheBeijinger #BeijingKids #quarantinecookoff #Yunnanheisanduo


How do I know I’ve won? 如何知道获奖?

The winner will be announced and contacted on Tuesday, March 31st at 2 pm.

Worldwide participation is encouraged, however, prizes are limited to mainland China addresses only.  我们会于北京时间3月31日星期二下午2点来公布和联系获奖者。我们鼓励世界各地朋友的热情参与,但奖品寄出仅限中国大陆地区。


What are the Prizes from The Hutong?


First Place

Chinese Chef’s Knife  中式菜刀

Signature Apron 特色围裙

Yunnan Recipe Cards云南菜谱


Second Place

Sichuan Pepper 四川花椒

Sichuan Chili oil四川辣椒油

Yunnan Recipe Cards云南菜谱


Third Place

Chinese Black Cardamom 中国草果

Yunnan Recipe Cards 云南菜单


Let the cook-off begin!! 我们开始比赛吧!!

For more information,  please contact us.

   Email:  Mobile & Wechat: 15901046127

We look forward to seeing your delicious entries

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