Poets, Prime Ministers, and the Immortal Donkey

Date: Sunday, May 1st
Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm
Cost: 260 RMB, 220 RMB for members

Possibly The Hutong’s wackiest and most absurd walking tour. Meet an enchanted donkey? Exchange barbs with the official who stared down a Mongolian Khan. Meet the poet who managed to anger both Chairman Mao and Chiang Kai-shek.

Experience daily life while walking through one thousand years of history on Beijing’s most exciting hutong tour. Dig deep into the past, the character, and the legends of China’s capital. Learn about the evolution of Beijing via the stories that have marked our surrounding hutongs – murder, intrigue, unsolved mysteries, ghosts, spies, princes in glass palaces, stormy Manchu raiders and even a eunuch.

As you travel through Beijing’s past you will also experience the vibrant hutong community of today – the sights, smells and sounds, the faces and frowns and smiles, the local snacks, the bustling markets, the corner stores and the children playing in the streets. It’s all in an afternoon walk on The Hutong’s Hutong Tour.

Meeting Point:  At The Hutong
Ending Point:    At Cafe Zara
