The Hutong Celebrates Earth Day

At the Hutong we believe in caring for our planet while simultaneously fostering our community. Celebrate Earth Day on April 20th with The Hutong this year! 在胡同,我们相信在照顾我们星球的同时要培养我们的社区意识。 4月20日来胡同一起庆祝世界地球日吧!

Join us for an open community event with speakers working in the environmental sector, delicious vegetarian fare, and a swap meet where you can drop off, exchange, or pick up gently used clothing and homewares. 请加入我们开放式的社区活动,我们特邀了环境领域的演讲者, 还有当地北京供应商提供的美味素食,以及交换会,您可以把家里闲置的物品带来放下或者交换。 

  • Date:  Saturday, April 20th
  • Time:  11:00am – 4:00pm
  • Cost:   Free Entrance

Speaker Schedule:

  • 11:00am – 12:00pm     Ada Kong from Greenpeace China: E-Waste
  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm       Terry Townshend from Birding Beijing: Wildlife Conservation in China
  • 1:00pm – 2:00pm         Songqiao Yao from WildBound: Nature-based Experiential Education in the Arctic

Ada Kong is a Senior Program Manager at Greenpeace East Asia. In recent years, she has been campaigning to green the ICT (Information & Communication Technology) industry. Ada will talk about where our electronics go when we throw them away and the potential for an e-waste circular economy in China.





Terry Townshend is a Beijing-based environmental law and wildlife expert. He is passionate about involving the public in scientific discovery to help more people fall in love with the incredible wildlife we have all around us. Terry initiated ground-breaking projects to track the migration of two of Beijing’s most iconic birds – the Beijing Swift and the Beijing Cuckoo. He worked with ShanShui Conservation Center at Peking University to set up the first community-based wildlife watching project in China, in The Valley of the Cats in Qinghai Province, focusing on Snow Leopards and other apex predators. He is the founder of Birding Beijing, a website dedicated to celebrating the wildlife of China’s capital city. Terry will speak about the wildlife of Beijing and how we can all play a role in reversing the worldwide decline in biodiversity.

Songqiao Yao is the founder of WildBound, an innovative environmental education venture based in China. WildBound organizes student expeditions to the polar regions and conducts advocacy and research programs on polar and ocean conservation. Songqiao was the first Chinese participant and faculty member of Homeward Bound, the largest ever all female expedition to Antarctica to raise awareness of women’s leadership in science. She was a youth delegate at the UN climate change conferences in 2010 and helped build the environmental NGO International Rivers’ China office in 2012. Her ethnographic research along the Nu/Salween river has won a National Geographic Global Explorer grant. Songqiao will talk about the power of transformative experience in nature and how to empower the next generation to become better leaders in sustainability.


Throughout the event, we will reserve our tea room for a swap meet where you can drop off, exchange, or take away gently used clothes, cookware, small homewares, books, etc.

Please plan on bringing an item or two (in good condition) to contribute!

Please join us for a day of informative talks, good food, and a chance to exchange some of your unwanted possessions!


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