What Is Cross Cultural Communication Training?

Intercultural competency and cross-cultural communication skills are essential in today’s global business environment. Multinational teams and organizations are common in Beijing. We can take your team to the next level: from being multinational to becoming truly multicultural.

How Does Cross Cultural Communication Training Work?

Our facilitators develop personalized curriculum to help your team work together and find new and more effective ways to communicate and collaborate. First we develop a clear link between strong company culture and a multicultural workspace. We then distinguish between intercultural and interpersonal divisions in organizations. Finally, we highlight cooperative work styles in organizations with employees from different cultural backgrounds.

We also offer a diverse range of other fully immersive team building experiences

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      Duration: 4 Hours

      Physical Intensity: 2/5

      Location: Indoors

      Group Size: 25



  • Define standards for multicultural versus multinational environments
  • Learn and adapt communication tools that apply to your team
  • Establish a personal benchmark system for improvements


Your killer team totally crushes it, getting that elusive balance between being casual enough to make it fun, yet professional enough to know we are in good hands.

Jade Grey
Co-Founder, Gung Ho! Pizza

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Request a proposal for one of our Cross Cultural Communication experiences.

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