Nutrition & Coaching: Lifestyle Program

Nutrition & Coaching: Lifestyle Program 营养与教练:健康生活方式工作坊

Date: Wednesdays, May 29th, June 5th, 12th & 19th

Time: 9:30-12:30

Cost:  1920 RMB for all 4 workshops or 520 RMB for every single workshop including a course workbook, tea & coffee, and snacks are all included

Location: Yew Chung International School Of Beijing

Nutrition information is abundant and ever-evolving. Every day we encounter new discoveries from scientists questioning our beliefs, viral articles challenging old habits, and influencers offering novel points of view. Given this abundance of information, how do you determine what is right for you?
That answer lies within you.
We invite you to join us and embark on this journey of self-discovery. We will meet for four mornings over 5 weeks. It is possible to sign up for single workshops. Guided by experts and professionals in the field, our program incorporates insights from both Asian and Western perspectives to enhance your self-awareness of what truly works for your body and mind.
Through this journey, you’ll gain the tools to embrace a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle, beyond physical form or fitness targets.
The Goal? To be a healthier and more empowered you.

Join us for a journey of self-discovery to explore what truly works for your body and mind guided by experts blending Asian and Western insights.

Empower yourself to embrace a fulfilling lifestyle and enhance your well-being through nutrition and lifestyle strategies.

Register now for a healthier you!


关于营养的信息多而杂且更新节奏快。 我们经常会看到某科学家的研究报告推翻了某 深信不疑的事实、某平台上又出现破除迷思的热搜,还有提供新颖观点的网红,数不 胜数。 考虑到如此庞大的信息量,您如何确定什么才适合自己呢?


我们邀请您加入我们,踏上这段自我发现的旅程。 在五周的时间里,我们将举行四天的线下工作坊。 在该领域的专家和专业教练的指导下,配合我们融合了亚洲和西方观 点的见解,增强您对您身体和心灵真实有效的自我认识。


目标? 成为一个更健康、更有力量的自己。 准备好了吗?


Meet the Team 


Founder of Wen Eike Consulting Services Beijing, Ltd.

Eike is a seasoned executive and leadership coach with over 20 years of experience across Germany and Asia. Specializing in leadership development, coaching, and organizational enhancement, she empowers individuals and teams to navigate change and cultivate resilience with creativity and adaptability.                      



Founder and CEO of On Silk Consulting Services Beijing CO., Ltd

Drawing on extensive HR and business sector management experience, Silke offers invaluable coaching expertise, specializing in transitions, intercultural, careers, and leadership development. Inspired by her background in music and architecture, she fosters creativity and trust for transformative coaching experiences.



Instructor & Nutritionist, The Hutong

Sophia, a Beijing-based culinary instructor and nutritionist, brings a unique blend of culinary expertise and coaching skills to her practice. She also specializes in crafting wholesome dishes based on the principles of both Western nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)


Special Guest Speaker 

Dr. Dorothy DEXTER

MD, MSc, Family Medicine Physician Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics

Dr. Dexter received her medical degree from the Catholic University of Ecuador in 2008 and was awarded a Master’s Degree in Nutrition in 2012 from the Central University. In 2012, she completed her residency in Family Medicine with honours at Vozandes Hospital, where she worked in both inpatient and outpatient wards, including spending a rotation in Brussels and Antwerp in Belgium. The focus of her residency was to develop expertise in managing conditions ranging from diabetes to common conditions that present throughout a patient’s lifetime.

Before joining Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics, Dr. Dexter served in the Republic of Ecuador Hospital on the Galapagos Islands as an expert in Family Medicine, Nutrition, and Primary Health Care.

Dr. Dexter has more than ten years of clinical experience and completed a Fellowship in Integrative Medicine in 2019 at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. This training broadened her understanding of effective alternative therapies to better solve her patient’s health conditions. She enjoys working as a team, often including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, and Psychology experts, when necessary, to offer the best patient-centred care.

Beyond her clinical work, Dr. Dexter has presented her research on the prevention and care of Type 2 Diabetes at the 2012 European General Practice Research Association meeting and in 2019, presented an approach to functional thinking entitled “Happiness is Just One Thought Away” at the Third Integrative Medicine Fellowship Meeting in Tucson Arizona.

Dr. Dexter is board-certified as a Family Physician by the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador.


In this 8-week Nutrition & CoachingLifestyle Program, we harness our passion for coaching, food, and nutrition to accompany you on your journey towards optimal wellness and vitality. Together, let’s embark on a transformative path towards a healthier you”

For more information, please email:

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